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By dating a man almost 40 years her junior, Madonna has become an embarrassing cliché

Age gap relationships can get very awkward very quickly – like when Vogue plays and she has to explain it was released before he was born

Whenever some ancient yet avidly priapic male rock star starts dating a hot young woman several decades his junior, we invariably roll our eyes. How embarrassing, we think. How pathetic. How clichéd. Find someone your own age, you silly old goat.
A perfectly natural and understandable response. But in that case, shouldn’t we apply the same standard to Madonna?
The queen of pop turns 66 on Friday. And yet, according to reports this week, she’s started dating a man who’s just 28. Which makes him almost 40 years her junior.
To put that in context: this young man – a Jamaican footballer named Akeem Morris – was born 13 years after the release of Holiday, Madonna’s first chart hit. He was also born four years after she published Sex, her eye-poppingly explicit book which featured a full-frontal photo of her hitch-hiking in the nude, along with her musings on bondage, gay strip clubs, and why she’s glad that she doesn’t have a penis (“It seems like a contraption that would get in the way”). And he’s only a few months older than Lourdes, Madonna’s eldest child.
Yet these two “lovebirds”, to quote the Daily Mail, have been photographed blissfully holding hands on holiday in Italy, ahead of her 66th birthday celebrations. And Madonna has also posted photographs of them together on her official Instagram page.
Still, I don’t mean to sound uncharitable. In a way, I suppose such a relationship does make some sense. Since Madonna has gone to such trouble to make herself look about 40 years younger than she actually is, her efforts would seem rather a waste if she then dated a man her own age.
Also, when it comes to sizeable age gaps in relationships, it makes more sense for the woman to be the older partner, rather than the man – for the simple reason that women live longer. Statistically, a couple composed of an old woman and a young man will last longer than a couple composed of an old man and a young woman. And as Madonna will no doubt still be cavorting on stage well into her 130s, she and young Akeem should have many happy decades ahead of them. 
All the same, an age gap this wide is fraught with risk. People born generations apart tend to have few cultural reference points in common. And in Madonna’s case, this could prove particularly awkward.
Say, for example, she decides to show that she hasn’t lost any of her youthful lust for life – by taking her new beau out clubbing. The two are dancing vigorously away, when he says: “What’s this song the DJ’s playing, love?”
“Are you kidding? It’s Vogue! One of my biggest hits!”
“Sorry, darling, don’t know it. Before my time, I’m afraid.”
